
All things counter, original, spare, strange;

Tag: “web crawling”

Blog Posts

13 Jan 2019

Untitled RPG Project: A Detour Through WikiArt

I have an idea for a video game I want to make. In order to get started, the natural first step is to... write a library to pull data from WikiArt.org?

I Like RPGs

Growing up I played a lot of console RPGs. If you’re a die-hard RPG fan then you might be familiar with how it starts: you play a little Super Mario RPG and Chrono Trigger as a kid and get a taste for it, you end up...

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WikiArt API

A library to grab data and images from WikiArt


A tiny little server-side python script that navigates to a random band's page on bandcamp


A multifunctional alarm clock that I built in python to wake me up in the morning; connects to gmail, facebook, weather.com, and a couple of others.